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Colloïdale magnetische siliciummicrosferen

  • CV <5%;

  • Ronding > 0.980;

  • Dichtheid: 2.0 g/cm3;

  • Verzadigingsmagnetisatie: ~ 20 emu/g;

  • Geleverd in Milli-Q water;

  • Superparamagnetische kernen bedekt door de schelpen van siliciumdioxide;

  • Oppervlak functionele groep: -OH beschikbaar voor alle maten en -NH2 en -COOH beschikbaar voor 1 μm;

  • Beschikbare concentraties: 10 - 50 mg/ml (d.w.z. 1 - 5% w/v);

  • Beschikbare formaten: 1 μm, 2 μm, 5 μm, 10 μm en 50 μm;

  • Levensduur: minimaal 2 jaar vanaf de datum van levering van het product;

  • Kan gemakkelijk oppervlakte-gefunctionaliseerd worden via chemische bindingvorming;

  • Kan worden aangepast aan andere gebruikelijke biologische buffers zoals fosfaatgebufferde zoutoplossing (PBS) of organische oplosmiddelen zoals ethanol via herhaalde centrifugatie en resuspensie;

  • Kan in de loop van de tijd op de bodem van de injectieflacon neerslaan, en dit is geen teken van aggregatie. Grote deeltjes precipiteren sneller dan kleine deeltjes. Deze deeltjes kunnen gemakkelijk worden geresuspendeerd met behulp van ultrasoonapparaat (ultrasoon bad of ultrasone homogenisator) of vortexen;

  • Alleen geprijsd op basis van de vaste inhoud; bijvoorbeeld, 50 ml van de silica nanosferen bij 10 mg/ml zou dezelfde prijs hebben als 10 ml van de silica nanosferen bij 50 mg/ml.

Safety Data Sheets

Réactivité magnétique

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Microsphères totalement suspendues à l’écart du champ magnétique

Microsphères agrégées aux pôles lorsqu'elles sont dans le champ magnétique

Alpha Nanotech Silica Magnetic Beads

Nos microsphères de silice magnétique colloïdale répondent au champ magnétique, permettant de nombreuses applications commerciales et de laboratoire. Ces microsphères peuvent être utilisées de manière répétée et facilement couplées à d'autres fragments de surface pour des fonctionnalisations ultérieures.

Micrographies électroniques à balayage

100 nm

Alpha Nanotech Magnetic Silica Nanoparticles
Alpha Nanotech Magnetic Silica Nanoparticles

300 nm

Alpha Nanotech Magnetic Silica Nanoparticles
Alpha Nanotech Magnetic Silica Nanoparticles

Micrographies électroniques à transmission haute résolution

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2 μm

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Micrographies électroniques à transmission haute résolution

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Micrographies électroniques à transmission haute résolution

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Micrographies électroniques à transmission haute résolution

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Mesures du potentiel zêta

Hydroxyl-Terminated Magnetic Silica Microspheres

Carboxyl-Terminated Magnetic Silica Microspheres

Amine-Terminated Magnetic Silica Microspheres

Mesures du potentiel zêta

Alpha Nanotech Magnetic Silica Beads

Mesures du potentiel zêta

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Our Colloidal Magnetic Silica Nano-/Microspheres in Stock:

100 nm, Hydroxyl-Terminated


100 nm, Carboxyl-Terminated

100 nm, Amine-Terminated

300 nm, Hydroxyl-Terminated


300 nm, Carboxyl-Terminated


300 nm, Amine-Terminated

1 μm, Hydroxyl-Terminated

1 μm, Carboxyl-Terminated

1 μm, Amine-Terminated

μm, Hydroxyl-Terminated

μm, Hydroxyl-Terminated

10 μm, Hydroxyl-Terminated

50 μm, Hydroxyl-Terminated

10 ml at 10 mg/ml

$ 180

$ 180

$ 180

$ 180

$ 180

$ 180

$ 180


$ 180

$ 180

$ 180

$ 180

$ 180

$ 180

20 ml at 10 mg/ml

$ 290

$ 290

$ 290

$ 290

$ 290

$ 290


$ 290

$ 290

$ 290

$ 290

$ 290

$ 290

$ 290

10 ml at 50 mg/ml

$ 550

$ 550


$ 550


$ 550


$ 550


$ 550

$ 550

$ 550

$ 550

$ 550

$ 550

$ 550

$ 550

20 ml at 50 mg/ml

$ 890

$ 890

$ 890

$ 890

$ 890

$ 890


$ 890


$ 890


$ 890

$ 890

$ 890

$ 890

$ 890

Daily Exchange Rates
(updated every 12 hr)

  • Amazon - Black Circle
  • Amazon - Black Circle
  • Amazon - Black Circle
  • Amazon - Black Circle
  • Amazon - Black Circle
  • Amazon - Black Circle
  • Amazon - Black Circle


1. SDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) and COA (Certificate of Analysis) are included in every purchase. 

2. The prices listed above are in Canadian Dollars (CND$), and please refer to the above exchange box for the most current daily exchange rates.

3. We accept both online purchases at our online store or Amazon stores and invoiced orders (Net 30 Terms). In-stock items will be dispatched within 1-2 business days. The lead time for customized orders is typically within 10 business days and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


4. Shipping Locations for our clients are listed below.

Orders destined for the United States will be shipped from one of the two US offices below.

Unit 390, 701 Harrison Ave, Blaine, WA 98230 US

Unit 4, 2045 Niagara Falls Blvd, Niagara Falls, NY 14304 US

Orders destined for the UK will be shipped from our UK office.

Office 24743, Courier Point, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6FH, UK

Orders destined for Europe will be shipped from our EU office.
Allée Primavera 78, Annecy, Pringy, 74370, France

Orders destined for Canada and other International destinations will be shipped from our Canadian headquarters.
135 - 3800 Wesbrook Mall, University of British Columbia Campus, Vancouver, BC, V6S2L9, Canada

No duties or any additional taxes for the orders delivered to Canadian, US, UK, and EU addresses, regardless of the sales channel. For other International shipping addresses, recipients are responsible for local duties and taxes.


5. Free exchanges or full refunds will be offered within 30 days after the order fulfillment without any questions asked if the ordered items fail to meet customer expectations.

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